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Re: 4.17.85 Feedback

On 04 Mar 1999 13:41:20 -0800, (J.T. Conklin) wrote:

> >>>>> "Stan" == Stan Shebs <> writes:
> Stan> The pre-release snapshot has been up for a week, and statistics
> Stan> show many downloads, but there's been very little feedback so
> Stan> far.  
> Stan>
> Stan> So if you've run into problems that need fixing, please speak up
> Stan> now!
> Is the tui interface supposed to be usable on all platforms?  
> I ask because when I enabled it, a got a conflict between the macro IN
> #defined in the variable of the same name in NetBSD 1.3's
> curses.h.  This occurs because defs.h includes the tui headers, which
> in turn include curses.h.
> A quick hack for this particular problem would be to change m2-exp.y.
> However, I would not be surprised if there are other identifiers in
> some host/target specific part of GDB that conflict with some other
> host's curses.h.  curses.h is namespace unfriendly --- the curses
> library was never subjected to the same type of compatibility pressure
> that the C libraries, etc. had before ANSI/ISO/POSIX/etc.  Even the
> current X/Open XPG4.2 curses standard is all to quiet about namespace
> issues.
> Perhaps the #include of tui headers needs to be removed from defs.h
> and included in the handful of source files that interface with the
> tui library.

Unfortunately it currently runs only on HP-UX systems, but we're trying to make
it more portable. We are well aware of some of the issues with the current
implementation and we're trying to address them.
