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New ARI warning Fri Jul 3 01:54:14 UTC 2015

> gdb/nat/linux-btrace.c:456: regression: strerror: Do not use strerror(), instead use safe_strerror()
gdb/nat/linux-btrace.c:456:      warning (_('), strerror (errno));
> gdb/nat/linux-btrace.c:464: regression: strerror: Do not use strerror(), instead use safe_strerror()
gdb/nat/linux-btrace.c:464:		   strerror (errno));
> gdb/nat/linux-btrace.c:472: regression: strerror: Do not use strerror(), instead use safe_strerror()
gdb/nat/linux-btrace.c:472:		   strerror (errno));
> gdb/nat/linux-btrace.c:483: regression: strerror: Do not use strerror(), instead use safe_strerror()
gdb/nat/linux-btrace.c:483:		   (long) pid, strerror (errno));
> gdb/nat/linux-btrace.c:519: regression: strerror: Do not use strerror(), instead use safe_strerror()
gdb/nat/linux-btrace.c:519:		   (long) pid, strerror (errno));
> gdb/nat/linux-btrace.c:645: code: long long: Do not use 'long long', instead use LONGEST
gdb/nat/linux-btrace.c:645:  unsigned long long size, pages, data_offset, data_size;
> gdb/nat/linux-btrace.c:677: code: long long: Do not use 'long long', instead use LONGEST
gdb/nat/linux-btrace.c:677:  pages = (((unsigned long long) conf->size) + PAGE_SIZE - 1) / PAGE_SIZE;
> gdb/nat/linux-btrace.c:698: code: long long: Do not use 'long long', instead use LONGEST
gdb/nat/linux-btrace.c:698:      if ((unsigned long long) length < size)

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