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Re: 2 weeks to GDB 7.10 tentative branching date!

On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 11:08 AM, Doug Evans <> wrote:
> Maybe a two step solution would be ok?
> For 7.10:
> 1) re-add keiths patch, with the following modifications:
>    a) add a STRUCT vs VAR_DOMAIN indicator to .gdb_index
>    b) bump .gdb_index version to 9
>    c) modify keith's patch so that it only is enabled when either
>        .gdb_index is not in use or its version >= 9
>        (IOW we'd still have to keep symbol_matches_domain,
>        in some form, but use it conditionally)

For reference sake,
the index that is proposed to go into DWARF puts the
symbol's DWARF tag into the index.
That provides more info than what .gdb_index has,
and should be enough to avoid this issue
(I'd still really like to see a gdb implementation of
this proposal before it's too late).

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