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Re: [patch] gdb_assert -> complaint for weird DWARF

On Mon, 24 Feb 2014 23:59:50 +0100, Doug Evans wrote:
> Can you send me the binaries for repro?

It was sent in the previous mail:

> We could probably generate a good testcase for gdb from that.

I was thinking about it but:
 * There is not much to test gdb_assert vs. complaint.
 * Currently I believe the generated DWARF is incorrect.  Detecting that such
   incorrect DWARF is identified as an incorrect one has limited sense IMO.

So far I find it just a GCC bug.

> Another worry I have is that if my expectation that we shouldn't be
> recursively calling process_die (even for bad debug info) is wrong,
> then is there some obscure case where possible accidental re-reading
> of a DIE is actually needed by the current code to get the right
> answer (IOW is making this a complaint and returning also introducing
> a bug? Less of a bug than crashing or infinite recursion of course,
> but IWBN to invest some time to dig deeper given that we have a repro
> at hand).

As I said so far I do not find the DWARF (in the gnatbind case) to be


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