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Re: [PATCH] windows-nat.c: Don't install a deprecated_xfer_memory method.

On 08/23/2013 10:36 PM, Pierre Muller wrote:
> Hi Pedro,
>   I think that your patch can be further enhanced by this change:
>   ReadProcessMemory and WriteProcessMemory 
> function both fail and report ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY
> in GetLastError
> if only a part of the requested memory was read/written.

Interesting.  It does sound like a good idea.

However, could you send that as a separate patch, please?
Otherwise, the single combined patch can potentially cause issues
due to two logically unrelated changes: potential problems caused by
not installing deprecated_xfer_memory anymore, and instead going
through xfer_partial directly; and then potential problems due to
that change.  Keeping the patches separate allows for better
bisecting for what might have caused a regression.

>   Adding partial memory read/writes to windows native
> allows for instance to get the true location at which a 
> memory chuck is not available anymore instead of the
> start position of the read/write attempt if
> it crosses over to region not readable or not writable.

Pedro Alves

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