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Re: [PATCH 6/8] gdbserver build-id attribute generator

On 13-04-14 10:16 AM, Jan Kratochvil wrote:
On Tue, 09 Apr 2013 17:27:43 +0200, Aleksandar Ristovski wrote:
+#define ELFXX_FLD(hdr, fld) ((is_elf64) ? (hdr)._64.fld : (hdr)._32.fld)
+#define ELFXX_SIZEOF(hdr) ((is_elf64) ? sizeof ((hdr)._64) \
+				      : sizeof ((hdr)._32))

Macros should not depend on external variables, that makes them tricky, it was
acceptable when the variable was present in the scope where the macro was
defined.  But that is no longer true when the macro is global.

is_elf64 should be a parameter of each of these macros.


+#define ELFXX_ROUNDUP(what) ((is_elf64) ? (((what) + sizeof (Elf64_Word) - 1) \
+					   & ~(sizeof (Elf64_Word) - 1))      \
+					: (((what) + sizeof (Elf32_Word) - 1) \
+					   & ~(sizeof (Elf32_Word) - 1)))

This is overcomplicated.  The ELF standard defines it as "4-byte alignment".
While both sizeof (Elf64_Word) == 4 and sizeof (Elf32_Word) == 4 I find that
incorrect, the standard talks about 4 bytes (for both elf32 and elf64), not
about sizeof of anything.

Ok. I re-read it and indeed it says 4 bytes, and not how I mis-remembered, word boundary.


+/* Linearly traverse pheaders given in PHDR until supplied
+   predicate function returns 1.  If supplied predicate function
+   did return 1, stop traversal and return that PHDR.  */

There is no predicate function anymore.




+  if (phdr == NULL)
+    return NULL;

I do not see a reason for this check, callers never pass it NULL.   It should
be rather gdb_assert in such case if anything.

Ok. removed.

+    {
+      if (is_elf64)
+	{
+	  const Elf64_Phdr *const p = phdr;

When the 32-vs-64 ELF framework is provided here I expected this existing code
could be simplified on top of it.  Provided such patch at the end of this

Yes, indeed. Incorporated.

+static void
+free_mapping_entry (VEC (mapping_entry_s) *lst)

It does not free mapping_entry.  It frees the vector of them.  Therefore it
should be name for example free_mapping_entry_vec.  And the function is
missing comment.

I consider this nitpicking - argument type does convey this very clearly. But added _vec as per your suggestion.

+  const ULONGEST key = *(CORE_ADDR*) k;

GNU Coding Standards:
	const ULONGEST key = *(CORE_ADDR *) k;
And when it is all const it should not be temporarily de-const-ed:
	const ULONGEST key = *(const CORE_ADDR *) k;

+  VEC (mapping_entry_s) *list;
+static linux_find_memory_region_ftype find_memory_region_callback;

Why is it here?  It should be before the find_memory_region_callback


+/* Read build-id from PT_NOTE.  */

Describe function parameters.  It is essential to see the LOAD_ADDR vs. L_ADDR


+      gdb_assert (ELFXX_FLD (ehdr, e_phnum) < 100);  /* Basic sanity check.  */

I am aware a similar gdb_assert is in get_dynamic but that is a bug.
gdbserver should not crash on weird inferior data.
There should be a warning + return.

Also comments should be on their own line:
       /* Basic sanity check.  */
       gdb_assert (ELFXX_FLD (ehdr, e_phnum) < 100);

+      gdb_assert (e_phentsize == ELFXX_SIZEOF (*phdr));


Ok, replaced with a check + warning.

+	  pt_note = xmalloc (ELFXX_FLD (*phdr, p_memsz));
+	  pt_end = (gdb_byte*) pt_note + ELFXX_FLD (*phdr, p_memsz);

GNU Coding Standards:
	  pt_end = (gdb_byte *) pt_note + ELFXX_FLD (*phdr, p_memsz);
But pt_note is already gdb_byte * so that cast is useless, therefore:
	  pt_end = pt_note + ELFXX_FLD (*phdr, p_memsz);


+	  if (linux_read_memory (ELFXX_FLD (*phdr, p_vaddr) + l_addr, pt_note,
+				 ELFXX_FLD (*phdr, p_memsz)) != 0)
+	    {
+	      xfree (pt_note);
+	      warning ("Could not read note.");

Print also the note address when there is a warning at all.


+	      break;
+	    }
+	  nhdr = (void *) pt_note;
+	  while ((void *) nhdr < (void *) pt_end)

When it is all const there should be (const void *).  But in fact it is easier
to use const gdb_byte * when pt_end is already such type:
	  while ((const gdb_byte *) nhdr < pt_end)

gdb_byte * is o.k., but there is no really a need for const - when casting is for the purpose of pointer comparison, IMO const only clutters the reading.

+	    {
+	      const size_t namesz
+		= ELFXX_ROUNDUP (ELFXX_FLD (*nhdr, n_namesz));
+	      const size_t descsz
+		= ELFXX_ROUNDUP (ELFXX_FLD (*nhdr, n_descsz));
+	      const size_t note_sz = ELFXX_SIZEOF (*nhdr) + namesz + descsz;
+	      if (((gdb_byte *) nhdr + note_sz) > pt_end || note_sz == 0

It should be (const gdb_byte *) because nhdr is already const *.

I like using const, as you may have noticed, unless it only clutters, like is the case when casting is used for the purpose of pointer comparison like here.

+		  || descsz == 0)
+		{
+		  warning ("Malformed PT_NOTE\n");

Print also the note address when there is a warning at all.


+		  break;
+		}
+	      if (ELFXX_FLD (*nhdr, n_type) == NT_GNU_BUILD_ID
+		  && ELFXX_FLD (*nhdr, n_namesz) == 4)
+		{
+		  const char gnu[4] = "GNU\0";
+		  const char *const pname
+		    = (char *) nhdr + ELFXX_SIZEOF (*nhdr);

It should be (const char *) because nhdr is already const *.

When assigning to const, then const in the cast for pointer arithmetic does not matter and IMO only clutters.

+		  if (memcmp (pname, gnu, 4) == 0)
+		    {
+		      const size_t n_descsz = ELFXX_FLD (*nhdr, n_descsz);
+		      bil->hex_build_id = xmalloc (n_descsz * 2 + 1);
+		      bin2hex ((gdb_byte*) pname + namesz, bil->hex_build_id,

It should be (const gdb_byte *) because pname is already const *.


Additionally according to the GNU Coding Standards spacing it should be:
		      bin2hex ((const gdb_byte *) pname + namesz, bil->hex_build_id,

+					   n_descsz);
+		      xfree (pt_note);
+		      return;
+		    }
+		}
+	      nhdr = (void*) ((gdb_byte *) nhdr + note_sz);
+	    }
+	  xfree (pt_note);
+	}
+    }
+/* Add mapping_entry.  */

When the line
	static linux_find_memory_region_ftype find_memory_region_callback;
will be here the parameters would be described.  But still one could write:
	/* Add mapping_entry.  See linux_find_memory_region_ftype for the
	   parameters description.  */


+/* Get build-id for the given L_LD.  DATA must point to

Maybe one could describe more what is "L_LD".
	L_LD is the link_map.l_ld field from libc shared library list.

And that L_ADDR parameter is also:
	L_ADDR is the link_map.l_addr field from libc shared library list.


+   already filled list of mapping_entry elements.
+   Return build_id as stored in the list element corresponding
+   to L_LD.
+   NULL may be returned if build-id could not be fetched.
+   Returned string must not be freed explicitly.  */
+static const char *
+get_hex_build_id (const CORE_ADDR l_addr, const CORE_ADDR l_ld,
+		  struct find_memory_region_callback_data *const data)
+  mapping_entry_s *bil;
+  if (VEC_address (mapping_entry_s, data->list) == NULL)
+    return NULL;

I do not think this check should be / needs to be here.  bsearch with NMEMB ==
0 should return NULL.

You are probably right. Removed.

+	{
+	  /* Do not try to find hex_build_id again.  */
+	  bil->hex_build_id = xstrdup (BUILD_ID_INVALID);
+	  warning ("Could not determine load address; "
+		   "build-id can not be used.");

You should print some identification for troubleshooting when the warning is
there at all, probably L_LD here is the best one.


+	}
  		  /* Expand to guarantee sufficient storage.  */
-		  uintptr_t document_len = p - document;
+		  const ptrdiff_t document_len = p - document;

-		  document = xrealloc (document, 2 * allocated);
  		  allocated *= 2;
+		  document = xrealloc (document, allocated);
  		  p = document + document_len;

This "code cleanup" change is unrelated to this patch.  But it is IMO not
worth checking in separately, it does not improve it anyhow IMO.

It uses correct type for pointer difference and does not repeat arithmetic. I removed it, it will probably reduce clash with Gary's patch.

-	      name = xml_escape_text ((char *) libname);

Why did you move this line to several lines above?  It is a needless change.


  	      p += sprintf (p, "<library name=\"%s\" lm=\"0x%lx\" "
-			       "l_addr=\"0x%lx\" l_ld=\"0x%lx\"/>",
+			       "l_addr=\"0x%lx\" l_ld=\"0x%lx\"",
  			    name, (unsigned long) lm_addr,
  			    (unsigned long) l_addr, (unsigned long) l_ld);
+	      if (hex_enc_build_id != NULL
+		  && strcmp (hex_enc_build_id, BUILD_ID_INVALID) != 0)
+		p += sprintf (p, " build-id=\"%s\"", hex_enc_build_id);

+	      p += sprintf(p, "/>");

GNU Coding Standards:
	      p += sprintf (p, "/>");



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