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Re: x86 watchpoints bug (Re: ping: Re: PATCH : allow to set length of hw watchpoints (e.g. for Valgrind gdbserver))

Not sure I understand what is different between GDB and GDBserver
here.  A watchpoint, from breakpoint.c's perpective can be composed
of several low-level watchpoints.  E.g., if the expression the user
wants to watch requires trapping accesses to two disjoint memory
regions for changes, each of those memory regions will correspond
to one low-level hardware watchpoint.  In GDBserver's or i386-nat.c's
perpective, there will be two watchpoints.  If the second fails to
insert, then breakpoint.c in GDB rolls back the first.  This applies
to GDBserver as well.

../../../src/gdb/gdbserver/linux-x86-low.c:511: A problem internal to GDBserver has been detected.
Assertion `DR_FIRSTADDR <= regnum && regnum < DR_LASTADDR' failed.

Sorry for the somewhat wrong analysis of the bug.

I have applied your patch in the assert, and tested again.
The GDBserver does not crash anymore (but it still keeps a DR register
busy for no reason).

So, there is for sure still a difference of behaviour (probably in breakpoint.c
placing a "local" watch and a "remote" watch).

Note that there is another similar (but I believe correct) assert in the code, but slightly different. I am not sure to understand why regnum validity is tested
differently in the below:
if (! (regnum >= 0 && regnum <= DR_LASTADDR - DR_FIRSTADDR))
fatal ("Invalid debug register %d", regnum);

Thanks for looking at all this

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