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Re: [RFC] pascal: Add lowercase copy of symbol name

>   Here is a step in that direction: adding a new pascal_specific field
>   for general_symbol_info structure, fill it with a lowercase copy of
>   the symbol name and use that lowercase copy for searches if
>   case_sensitivityy is off.
>   I did not yet really decide exactly how I am going to use this
>   inside that pascal expression parser.  One idea would be to first
>   try an exact match, and if that fails, try again forcing
>   case_sensitivity to off temporarily.
> Comments?

I can't really say that I am fond of this approach - at all. We already
store the linkage name as well as the natural name. Can't you use that
in the language-specific lookup routines to make the search case

There is also something I'm confused about: If Pascal is *not* case-
sensitive, why make the debugger optionally case-sensitive? Why not
always have a case-insensitive interpreter?  You aluded that there were
some reasons...


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