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Re: [PATCH] Support for Xilinx MicroBlaze

> I'm just as happy to leave this problem unfixed.  Gcc generates an
> incorrect CIE entry, which is philosophically not a good thing.
> But fixing this causes far more problems than it solves.

One of the things that we perhaps didn't consider is debugging
code compiled with a compiler other than GCC... Not sure if one
even exists, though, but that compiler might be generating correct
debugging info, which would trigger the "bug" in GDB.

Anyway, if "GCC" is unwilling to fix the problem, then GDB has to do
its best. It's disappointing when that happens, but it's not the first
time we introduce work-arounds. This one is a little harder to accept
because it causes GDB to malfunction in case of correct debugging info.
But it's still better this way, in practice.


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