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Re: [PATCH] Hooks still needed for annotations

 > > I don't currently use breakpoints-invalid but I might wish to at one
 > > stage.  I want to ensure that annotations aren't quietly removed by
 > > dismantling them bit by bit.
 > If that's what you want to accomplish, your patch should include test
 > cases for these annotations.  Otherwise they're likely to be "cleaned
 > up".  Also, please do not comment out code; if it's wrong, it should be
 > deleted.

I left the comment there to try to prevent them being removed again. If
I remove then I would also like to remove the deprecated prefix for the
two hooks.

In the past Andrew (Sat, 01 Mar 2003 21:37:33 -0500) has discriminated between
two types of annotations:

> - markups, as in the above marking up of the breakpoint out
> - events, as in things like `*stopped'

The general idea was that the former would go while the latter would stay.
Clearly breakpoints-invalid belongs to the latter.

The point about keeping them is that they can be used for event notification
in MI (Tue, 8 Feb 2005 10:14:31 +1300).

Th manual says:

>      `"stopped" | OTHERS' (where OTHERS will be added depending on the
>      needs--this is still in development).

I do not have enough knowldege of GDB to work out when breakpoint information
changes in the code. So I would like to use the calls to breakpoints_changed
(breakpoints-invalid) to do this and generate MI output:



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