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Re: [RFA] Assuming malloc exists in callfwmall.exp

Hi Fernando,

> Both Kevin and I are now proposing a minimal test for #4

Oops, I missed that in my recapitulation.  Yes, you are.

To be correct, that test should accept either "$1 = 3" or
"error: evalation ... requires ... "malloc"".

> (#3 does not depend on malloc() so it is already tested in callfuncs).

No.  Look at use case #3:

  Use case #3:

    . malloc is not available
    . the user types: call abs(-10)
    . gdb expected response: "$1 = 10"

callfuncs.c contains an explicit call to malloc.  Therefore, callfuncs.exp
does not check use case #3.  It checks use case #1.


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