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Help with getting CFA for split debuginfo files

We are trying to write a function on PowerPC, that, given a filename
(ELF binary) and PC (program counter), returns:

	- 0 if the return address at the given PC is saved on stack,

	- 1 if the RA is still in LR and no new frame was allocated

	- 2 if a RA is in LR but new frame was allocated and yet to
	    be used.

Referring to 'elfutils.git/tests/addrcfi.c', we wrote this program
that seems to work (i.e is consistent with 'readelf -wF) for a single
a.out file:


	$ readelf -wF ./crc5
	----   <snip>

	Contents of the .debug_frame section:

	00000000 0000000c ffffffff CIE "" cf=4 df=-8 ra=65
	   LOC           CFA
	0000000000000000 r1+0

	00000010 00000024 00000000 FDE cie=00000000 pc=10000ca4..10000d04
	   LOC           CFA      r31   ra
	0000000010000ca4 r1+0     u     u
   >>>> 0000000010000cb4 r1+128   c-8   c+16
	0000000010000cb8 r31+128  c-8   c+16
	0000000010000ce8 r1+0     c-8   c+16

	 ---- <snip>

	$ ./crc5 0000000010000cb0 0000000010000cb4 ./crc5
	Ret Address 0x10000cb0 is in LR
	Ret Address 0x10000cb1 is in LR
	Ret Address 0x10000cb2 is in LR
	Ret Address 0x10000cb3 is in LR
	Ret Address 0x10000cb4 is NOT in LR

i.e for PC 0x10000cb3, return address is in LR, and for PC 0x10000cb4
return address is on the stack (c1+16).

But I am not sure how to extend the code to work with PC value that points
to, say __random(), in glibc.

I have these installed:


	$ objdump -D /usr/lib64/

	00000080a7be3bf0 <.__random>:
	  80a7be3bf0:   7c 08 02 a6     mflr    r0
	  80a7be3bf4:   fb e1 ff f8     std     r31,-8(r1)
	  80a7be3bf8:   60 00 00 00     nop
	  80a7be3bfc:   39 00 00 01     li      r8,1
	  80a7be3c00:   3b e2 9a f0     addi    r31,r2,-25872
	  80a7be3c04:   39 40 00 00     li      r10,0
	  80a7be3c08:   f8 01 00 10     std     r0,16(r1)
	  80a7be3c0c:   f8 21 ff 71     stdu    r1,-144(r1)
	  80a7be3c10:   7d 20 f8 29     lwarx   r9,0,r31,1
	  80a7be3c14:   7c 09 50 00     cmpw    r9,r10
	  80a7be3c18:   40 82 00 0c     bne     80a7be3c24 <.__random+0x34>
	  80a7be3c1c:   7d 00 f9 2d     stwcx.  r8,0,r31
    >>>>  80a7be3c20:   40 c2 ff f0     bne-    80a7be3c10 <.__random+0x20>

	$ ./crc5 80a7be3c20 80a7be3c20 /usr/lib64/
	Error dwarf_cfi_addrframe(): : no matching address range
	Error with addr 0x80a7be3c20

	$ ./crc5 80a7be3c20 80a7be3c20 /usr/lib/debug/lib64/
	Error dwfl_addrmodule: no error
	Error with addr 0x80a7be3c20

Pls find the code attached. Appreciate any comments on how to extend it
to work with split debug info files.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <dwarf.h>
#include <elfutils/libdwfl.h>

#define INTUSE(x)	x

/* From libdwfl/argp-std.c */

static char *debuginfo_path;

static const Dwfl_Callbacks offline_callbacks =
    .find_debuginfo = INTUSE(dwfl_standard_find_debuginfo),
    .debuginfo_path = &debuginfo_path,
    .section_address = INTUSE(dwfl_offline_section_address),

void error(char *msg)
	printf("Error %s: %s\n", msg, dwarf_errmsg(-1));

 * @ra_regno contains the return address. We need to find
 * the expression for that register
static int
check_return_reg(int ra_regno, Dwarf_Frame *frame)
	Dwarf_Op ops_mem[2];
	Dwarf_Op dummy;
	Dwarf_Op *ops = &dummy;
  	size_t nops;
	int i, result;

	result = dwarf_frame_register(frame, ra_regno, ops_mem, &ops, &nops);
	if (result < 0) {
		return -1;

	if (nops != 0 || ops != NULL)
		return 0;	/* return address on the stack */

	 * Return address in LR. Check if a frame was allocated
	 * but not yet used.
	result = dwarf_frame_cfa(frame, &ops, &nops);
	if (result < 0) {
		return -1;

	if (nops == 1 && ops[0].atom == DW_OP_bregx &&
				ops[0].number == 1 && ops[0].number2 == 0)

		return 1;	/* no new frame allocated */

	return 2;		/* new frame allocated, but not yet used */

 * Return 1 if the address @pc is in LR. O otherwise.
 * Return -1 in case of errors
int check_ret_addr_in_lr(const char *exec_file, Dwarf_Addr pc)
	int		result;
	Dwfl		*dwfl;
	Dwfl_Module	*mod;
	Dwarf_CFI	*cfi;
	Dwarf_Frame	*frame;
	Dwarf_Addr	bias;
	int		ra_regno;
	Dwarf_Addr 	start = pc;
	Dwarf_Addr 	end = pc;
	bool 		signalp;

	dwfl = dwfl_begin(&offline_callbacks);
	if (dwfl == NULL) {
		error("dwfl_begin() failed\n");
		return -1;

	if (dwfl_report_offline(dwfl, "",  exec_file, -1) == NULL) {
		return -1;

	mod = dwfl_addrmodule(dwfl, pc);
	if (!mod) {
		return -1;

	cfi = dwfl_module_dwarf_cfi(mod, &bias);
	if (!cfi) {
		printf("No dwarf cfi, trying eh cfi\n");
		cfi = dwfl_module_eh_cfi(mod, &bias);	// CHECK
		if (!cfi) {
			error("dwfl_module_dwarf_cfi(): no CFI -");
			return -1;

	result = dwarf_cfi_addrframe(cfi, pc - bias, &frame);
	if (result != 0) {
		error("dwarf_cfi_addrframe(): ");
		return -1;

	ra_regno = dwarf_frame_info(frame, &start, &end, &signalp);

	if (ra_regno < 0) {
		printf("\treturn address register unavailable (%s)\n",
				dwarf_errmsg (0));
		return -1;

	return check_return_reg(ra_regno, frame);

main(int argc, const char *argv[])
	int 		rc;
	const char 	*exec_file;
	Dwarf_Addr	pc = 0x100006c4;
	Dwarf_Addr	end;

	if (argc > 1)
		pc = strtol(argv[1], NULL, 16);

	end = pc;
	if (argc > 2)
		end = strtol(argv[2], NULL, 16);

	exec_file = "a.out";
	if (argc > 3)
		exec_file = argv[3];

	while (pc <= end) {
		rc = check_ret_addr_in_lr(exec_file, pc);
		if (rc < 0)
			printf("Error with addr 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", pc);
		else if (rc == 1) 
			printf("Ret Address 0x%" PRIx64 " is in LR\n", pc);
		else if (rc == 2) 
			printf("Ret Address 0x%" PRIx64 " is in LR, slot1 invalid\n", pc);
			printf("Ret Address 0x%" PRIx64 " is NOT in LR\n", pc);
		pc += 1;

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