NAND review

Andrew Lunn
Tue May 19 14:17:00 GMT 2009

> The partition definition is necessarily platform-specific, so doesn't fit
> anywhere else. 

I simply don't get this. 

Take a case i recently had with a NOR based system. I had a linux
kernel bug i had to trace down. So that i had human readable kernel
opps information, i rebuilt the kernel to include debug symbols. The
resulting kernel was too big to fit in the space allocated to it. So i
used redboot fis to zap both the root filesystem and the space holding
the kernel. I recreated the kernel partition a bit bigger and made the
root filesystem a bit smaller. I then installed the new kernel and the
root filesystem. I then had a booting system with opps with symbols,
not hex addresses.

At no point did i need to edit the HAL, rebuild and install a new
redboot. Why should NAND be different? Why cannot this partition
information be configured by redboot? Why must it be platform


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