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[docbook-apps] JTextTools: DocBook+BibTex+JDVI

Hi all,

i'm a LaTeX+DocBook user and would be happy to have some combined Java tools for open project administration. I'm looking for an additional administrator and would be happy if he/she will be the main administrator. Additionally some developers would be helpfull.

1. Creating GIF images from LaTeX equations for the usage with docbook
2. Having a bibtex parser for
2.1. creating bibml files when tags occur in sgml file (analogue to collateindex)
2.2. (JCollateIndex), not that important
2.3. referencing literature in Javadoc using a cite Taglet
2.4. creating dynamic webpages showing: BibTex, BibML and linked PDF, PS, DVI documents where the last one can be shown using JDVI
3. Calling Jade,Openjade from ant (using, e.g. ant's Execute class)

SF projects:
BibKeeper, JReference
private projects:
JBibTexManager, JDVI, my private sources for task 2.1., 2.3. raw 3. with some problems

new project (SourceForge registering phase):
JTextTools (LGPL, GPL preffered !?) What do you think
I've released a first version at:

we need:
some administrators and developers

The existing tools BibKeeper, JReference can be included as packages
BibKeeper/ant/ant compile dist
cp bibkeeper.jar JTextTools/lib
JReference/ant/ant compile dist
cp jreference.jar JTextTools/lib

The efforts of BibKeeper and JBibTexManager should be combined and more extended:
1. different parser's ? JTextTools contains also an abstracted version of JBibTexmanager
2. GUI
strict distinction between algorithms and GUI

Please let me know if you are interested in such a project.

Furthermore there are some problems with the existing sources, e.g.:
- JDVI should be able to load default font files which are nearest to the expected ones (DPI, size, ...)
- BibKeeper should have the ability to sort entries (for vi users !) and format them. The parser should be more stable.
- Calling Jade from ant is not really stable (workaround ?)
- cite taglet should load bibtex file and generate HTML file automatically for the required {@cite abc2003} automatically. Additionally there must be a postprocessing step for the generated package.html files to generate correct href's.

Regards, Joerg

Dipl. Chem. Joerg K. Wegner
Center of Bioinformatics Tuebingen (ZBIT)
Department of Computer Architecture
Univ. Tuebingen, Sand 1, D-72076 Tuebingen, Germany
Phone: (+49/0) 7071 29 78970
Fax: (+49/0) 7071 29 5091
Never mistake motion for action.
                         E. Hemingway

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