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RE: [docbook-apps] Re: Support for callout extensions in xsltproc

I don't understand it myself.  But, I've run the two processors on identical
transforms, and had the time be almost the same.  Saxon has even been a
little faster.  This is for chunked HTML transforms only, though.  It seems
that Saxon is able to write files faster on Windows then XSLTProc, so even
though xsltproc is "transforming" faster, Saxon is able to get the file onto
the hard drive faster.  When I'm going to FO (where there's only one file
write operation), xsltproc is considerably faster.

I should also point out that my doc set is abnormally huge.  On my dual PIII
1.4 GHz machine, either processor takes almost five hours to do a complete
build.  We build 26 manuals simultaneously, which are about 10,000 printed
pages and about 6,000 HTML files.  There may just be something about
scalability where Saxon wins out.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steinar Bang []
> Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 5:17 AM
> To:
> Subject: [docbook-apps] Re: Support for callout extensions in xsltproc
> >>>>> Jeff Beal <>:
> > It shouldn't be very difficult at all.  As for which is preferable,
> > Saxon seems to have been more stable for longer, and its performance
> > is comparable to xsltproc's (for chunked HTML output) on my Windows
> > 2000 machine.
> Huh...?  Saxon has been _much_ slower(*) than xsltproc on all 
> machines I
> have been running them both.
> I've been running them both on linux rather than Win32, but that
> shouldn't make any difference.
> - Steinar
> (*) as doing in minutes what xsltproc does in seconds, on my old PII
> 233 at home
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