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Re: [docbook-apps] Entities references vs. XRef as a way to manage changingglossary

> Another approach is to let a customized stylesheet resolve
> the references.  For example, you could enter a nice clean:
> <glossterm role="lookup">dessert</glossterm>
> and the custom stylesheet file would handle the insertion of
> the text.  You would pass the pathname of the glossary.xml
> file to the XSLT processor as a stylesheet parameter,
> the stylesheet would use document() to load its content into
> a variable. Then the template that matches on
> match="glossterm[@role = 'lookup']" would look up the
> text value in the variable with something like:
> <xsl:variable name="key" select="text()"/>
> <xsl:variable name="glossary" select="document($glossdoc, /)"/>
> <xsl:value-of select="$glossary//varname[@id=$key]/*"/>

This worked exactly as you described it. Thanks again.


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