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Re: Howto create META TAGS

On Tue, 20 Nov 2001, Togan Muftuoglu wrote:

> When generating the html output I would like the generated html to
> have the META tags for keywords that I have placed in the SGML
> file...

Look in the file of configurable options, dbparam.dsl, under the
"html" fork of the docbook stylesheets.  You will find there:

(define %html-header-tags%
  ;; REFENTRY html-header-tags
  ;; PURP What additional HEAD tags should be generated?
  ;; DESC
  ;; A list of the the HTML HEAD tags that should be generated.
  ;; The format is a list of lists, each interior list consists
  ;; of a tag name and a set of attribute/value pairs:
  ;; '(("META" ("NAME" "name") ("CONTENT" "content")))
  ;; /DESC

By default this is the empty list, '().  You can put the stuff you
want in there.

Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University, NC

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