Am 28.08.2018 um 11:24 schrieb Antonio Pio Rinaldi:
while trying to compile a code with cmake (GNU compiler 7.4 and cmake
3.6, latest cygwin), I got an error regarding mpicxx not being able to
locate the library -lmpi_cxx.
This was kind of weird, as I had installed the same code in another
machine some time ago (with GNU compiler 6.4 and cmake 3.3, cygwin
version 2.8) and did not have this issue.
Then by navigating to the cygwin lib folder, I noticed that the file
libmpi_cxx.dll.a was missing in the latest version (although the
package Libs/libopenmpicxx1 seems to be installed).
After copying the library file from the previous version I am able to
correctly install my code.
I am not sure whether this is a bug, or if I have to set up something
else to let cygwin install the mpicxx library.
Antonio Pio Rinaldi
The C++ interface was removed on the upstream version of OpenMPI.
The suggested solution is to use the C interface