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Re: crosstool-NG Cygwin Build Fails


Here is the patch as a unified diff. It's essentially just adding the libintl library, specifying the ncurses path, and changing the way ESCDELAY is set. 

--- crosstool-ng-1.15.0_old/kconfig/Makefile    2012-04-30 16:54:20.000000000 -0400
+++ crosstool-ng-1.15.0/kconfig/Makefile        2012-05-08 11:10:24.950066100 -0400
@@ -35,20 +35,21 @@
 conf_OBJ = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(conf_SRC))
 conf_DEP = $(patsubst %.o,%.dep,$(conf_OBJ))
 $(conf_OBJ) $(conf_DEP): CFLAGS += $(INTL_CFLAGS)
+conf: LDFLAGS += -lintl

 # What's needed to build 'mconf'
 mconf_SRC = mconf.c
 mconf_OBJ = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(mconf_SRC))
 mconf_DEP = $(patsubst %.c,%.dep,$(mconf_SRC))
 $(mconf_OBJ) $(mconf_DEP): CFLAGS += $(NCURSES_CFLAGS) $(INTL_CFLAGS)
+mconf: LDFLAGS += -lintl $(NCURSES_LDFLAGS)

 # What's needed to build 'nconf'
 nconf_SRC = nconf.c nconf.gui.c
 nconf_OBJ = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(nconf_SRC))
 nconf_DEP = $(patsubst %.c,%.dep,$(nconf_SRC))
-$(nconf_OBJ) $(nconf_DEP): CFLAGS += $(INTL_CFLAGS)
-nconf: LDFLAGS += -lmenu -lpanel -lncurses
+$(nconf_OBJ) $(nconf_DEP): CFLAGS += -I/usr/include/ncurses/ $(INTL_CFLAGS)
+nconf: LDFLAGS += -lintl -lmenu -lpanel -lncurses

 # Under Cygwin, we need to auto-import some libs (which ones, exactly?)
 # for mconf and nconf to lin properly.

--- crosstool-ng-1.15.0_old/kconfig/nconf.c     2012-04-30 16:54:20.000000000 -0400
+++ crosstool-ng-1.15.0/kconfig/nconf.c 2012-05-07 16:47:39.618358900 -0400
@@ -1518,7 +1518,7 @@

        notimeout(stdscr, FALSE);
-       ESCDELAY = 1;
+       set_escdelay(1);

        /* set btns menu */
        curses_menu = new_menu(curses_menu_items);

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