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Archer functionality in Fedora 11

Hi all,

After the demo with Eric yesterday and after consulting with Jan, a plan has been devised to get the functionality that was shown from the Archer into Fedora 11. As you may know, Fedora 11 is coming upon us rather soon so in order to help Jan I will be creating a new Archer branch, archer-rmoseley-fedora-merge. This branch will be used by Jan to merge with his Fedora gdb source. As before, here are the branches I am going to merge to make sure we have the latest/greatest changes:

   archer-jkratochvil-vla branch

Please make sure you have these branches in as good a shape as you want them as I will be merging them in the next few days. If you have something to add to your branch, let me know and I will hold off merging it until you give the go ahead. I will be using the archer-tromey-python as the base branch for the merge and all other branches will be merged in with this.



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