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Re: pretty printing estimate

Thiago Jung Bauermann wrote:

> Hi,
> This contemplates just the case of variable pretty-printing, not the
> syscall pretty-printing which is being discussed in the catch syscall
> thread...
> Task
> -----
> Make CLI value printing (e.g., value_print) use type visualizers as
> implemented in Vladimir's varobj patch in the Python series, including
> listing children inside an instance of a container type.
> Dependencies
> ------------
> - Depends on values patch in the python series (which is the next to go
>   upstream).
> - Depends on change of children "discovery" interface to present itself
>   as a python iterator, which is planned by Vladimir.

Which in turn depends on Python values patch to land in FSF mainline --
any estimate on that?

- Volodya

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