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Re: Date/Time in XSLT and/or XPath

Faroukh Fekravar wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to compare date and time, something like below
> <xsl:for-each select="../aaa/bbb[DtTmStart &gt;= $StartTime and DtTmEnd
> &lt;= $EndTime]">
> All four dates are in in format like
> 5/2/2000 3:00:00 AM
> or
> 5/2/2000  (assumed midnight)
> Is there anyway to do that (formatting, etc ..)

Check the XPath spec for the substring-before() and
substring-after() functions. Use them to extract
year, month and day and the time value from your
string. You can either compare these values directly,
or concat them to ISO 8601 format, whic is easier
to compare.
If you still can, get the date/time values in your
source XML converted or produced in ISO 8601 format,
you can compare them directly (as strings), which
will make your life much easier. You can easily format
these values into your localized format for presentation
using substring(), or check out the EXSLT date/time
formatting extension functions.


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