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convert string to xml record


Actually here is my question: how can I convert a string which is actually a xml
file to a real xml record so I can read all the tags? Now all the tags < > are
escaped as &lt; and &gt; so the stylesheet cannot read it.

Thanks a lot.


oerg Heinicke wrote:

> Sorry, I can't help you here anymore. I never used Java directly for
> this. But I know it's possible. Have a look at
> or more common JAXP. On the
> other hand I only know Saxon, which has a extension function parse(),
> which converts your string to XML.
> Joerg
> Ming schrieb:
> > The problem is that the method call xmldb:getXmlRecord(@name) is a java method,
> > not a servlet.  Is there a way to return a nodeset in a java method call?
>  >
> > You also mentioned that maybe it can be done with extension functions. Can you
> > explain a little more about it?
> >
> > Thanks a lot.
> >
> > Ming
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