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RE: Possible MSXML 3 / 4 bug: using a for-each on xsl:vari able / tre e-frag is misbehaving
- From: Jeff Beadle <Jbeadle at manh dot com>
- To: xsl-list at lists dot mulberrytech dot com
- Date: Tue, 14 May 2002 11:14:08 -0400
- Subject: RE: [xsl] Possible MSXML 3 / 4 bug: using a for-each on xsl:vari able / tre e-frag is misbehaving
- Reply-to: xsl-list at lists dot mulberrytech dot com
Thanks for your feedback/help ... and how you described the RTF as
"effectively creates a new document" is exactly how I'll be thinking of it.
Thanks again,
-----Original Message-----
From: David Carlisle []
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2002 11:04 AM
Subject: Re: [xsl] Possible MSXML 3 / 4 bug: using a for-each on
xsl:vari able / tre e-frag is misbehaving
> I thought that each time you execute a "select" that you're dealing with
> RTF,
No RTF are only made when you use xsl:variable with non empty content,
which effectively creates a new document.
select= selects nodes in the available document(s), the result is a node
a subset of the nodes in the source documents.
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