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Re: Losing xsl:param values within a called template for-each loop

Comments sprinkled below...

At 03:51 PM 5/13/2002, you wrote:
>Here is the sample xml doc...
><CrfActionGroup destinationLogicalId="I3">
>                 <CommandReference refid="CMD1"/>
>                 <KeyGroup id="K1" keyGroupType="PARTY"> <!-- get the
>keygroup where its AlternateId child has a @sourceLogicalID equal to I3-->
>                         <AlternateId value="2001-07-25-"
>sourceLogicalId="ANO" state="exists"/>
>                         <AlternateId value="826620515239830"
>sourceLogicalId="I3" state="exists"/> <!-- pass the @value to the named
>                         <UUID>1155</UUID>
>                 </KeyGroup>
>                 <KeyGroup id="K2" keyGroupType="PARTY">
>                         <AlternateId value="2001-07-25-"
>sourceLogicalId="ANO" state="exists"/>
>                         <AlternateId value="953689412580434"
>sourceLogicalId="I3" state="exists"/>
>                         <UUID>1154</UUID>
>                 </KeyGroup>
>         </CrfActionGroup>
>         <COMMAND>
>                 <AddPelpPolicyRequest cmdType="request"
>                         <Individual>
>                                 <KeyGroup refid="K1"/> <!-- need to match
>this refid value to the id value of the CrfActionGroup KeyGroup element seen
>                                 <partyId/> <!-- this needs to become the
>value of the @value for the <AlternateID> element where its @sourceLogicalID
>= I3 as seen above-->
>                         </Individual>
>                         <LineOfBusiness>
>                                 <PartyRole>
>                                         <KeyGroup refid="K1"/>
>                                         <partyId>PARTY ID</partyId>
>                                 </PartyRole>
>                                 <PartyRole>
>                                         <KeyGroup refid="K2"/>
>                                         <partyId/>
>                                 </PartyRole>
>                         </LineOfBusiness>
>                 </AddPelpPolicyRequest>
>         </COMMAND>

   I'm assuming you merely forgot to enter a root node, as the above is a 
not valid XML document.  I'm using <root>...</root> to envelop the above.

>Here is the xsl template....
><xsl:template match="KeyGroup">  <!-- search through first set of KeyGroup
>elements -->

   This match will match the KeyGroup elements in the top of your XML 
snippit, as well as those contained in your COMMAND element.  Are you sure 
that you want to name them the same?

>                 <xsl:for-each select="AlternateId">
>                         <xsl:if test=" @sourceLogicalId = 'I3' "> <!-- get
>its child with the attribute value specified-->
>                                 <xsl:call-template name="command"> <!-- if
>the test is true, call the named template passing the parms-->
>                                         <xsl:with-param name="keyvalue"
>                                         <xsl:with-param name="keyid"
>                                 </xsl:call-template>
>                         </xsl:if>
>                 </xsl:for-each>
>         </xsl:template>
>         <xsl:template name="command" match="COMMAND">

   I'm not sure that this is legal, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't 
intended.  When you call the template, it will not have any simultaneous 
match to a COMMAND element that you seem to try to access.  Likewise, when 
you match the COMMAND element, you won't have any parameters to 
output.  You need to pick one method of accessing it, and go with that.

>                 <xsl:param name="keyvalue"/>
>                 <xsl:param name="keyid"/>
>                         <xsl:if test="($keyvalue != '') and ($keyid != '')">
>                         <!-- TEST VALUES These output correctly here-->
>                         <xsl:value-of select="$keyvalue"></xsl:value-of>
>                         <xsl:value-of select="$keyid"></xsl:value-of>
>                                 <xsl:for-each select="descendant::KeyGroup">
><!--search the KeyGroup descendants of the COMMAND element-->
>                                         <!-- LOSING THE PARAM VALUES HERE-->
>                                         <xsl:if test="@refid = '$keyid'">
><!-- if the refId = parm passed in, then output the other parm value passed
>                                                 partyId <xsl:value-of
>                                         </xsl:if>
>                                 </xsl:for-each>
>                         </xsl:if>
>         </xsl:template>

   Could you post an example of what your desired output is, before I spend 
any time stepping though your code and second-guessing it?

Greg Faron
Integre Technical Publishing Co.

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