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RE: xsl-fo from fop, further editing in Adobe Acrobat question?

Bryan wrote:
> "The checker found problems which may prevent the document 
> from being fully
> accesible
>    + All of the text in this document lacks a language specification"
>  1 element(s) with no alternate text
>   + This document is not structured; the reading order is incorrect."
> Well of course I am most concerned about the non-structuredness of my
> document, although I don't know exactly what it means in this 
> context :)

AFAIK (not much) the recent acrobats have the ability to export
XML. This in turn means its possible to 'encode' in some way
the document structure within the pdf.
I'm guessing you would need cooperation from the fop team
to make some sort of extension to 'put' this info into the pdf.

> Could the use of xml:lang, or the language attribute on my 
> page-sequence
> solve the first problem?
Guessing this again is a structural feature, down to the creation
of the pdf.

> Another problem is that I would really like to save a 
> generated pdf as xml,
> using the save as xml plugin, however it needs the pdf to be 
> a Tagged Pdf,
> if anyone has any experience with doing this, i.e generating 
> pdf using some
> specific processor then saving as xml from Acrobat can you 
> tell me what your
> methods are? I would be most appreciative(I think that means 
> you can hit me
> up for alchohol at an xml conference somewhere)

Sorry, can't help you with the rest.

Regards DaveP


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