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creating and accessing element in the same stylesheet

Hello Friends
Does anyone have any idea how to create an element in a template and
accessing it with another template within the same stylesheet .
I have a generic template that takes a specific format so I need to reformat
my data before calling the generic template .

Something that would look like :

   <xsl:template match="/">
      <xsl:element name="root">
         <xsl:for-each select="/report/account">
            <xsl:element name="{name(.)}">
               <xsl:attribute name="name">
                  <xsl:value-of select="@id"/>
               <xsl:attribute name="value">
                  <xsl:value-of select="sum(./detail/@value)"/>
      <xsl:apply-templates />

   <xsl:template match="/root">
      <xsl:for-each select="/root/account">
         <xsl:value-of select="@name"/> <xsl:value-of select="@value"/>,
      <xsl:apply-templates />

XML Data
   <account id="X12345" description="Individual">
      <detail symbol="GPRXX" price="1"     value="137"     qty="137" />
      <detail symbol="ODP"   price="21.33" value="9598.50" qty="450" />
      <detail symbol="PFE"   price="39.29" value="3536.10" qty="90"  />
   <account id="A256987">
      <detail symbol="ABCAX" price="11.49" value="69717.33" qty="6067.65" />
      <detail symbol="WEINX" price="12.49" value="20855.92" qty="1669.81" />
   <account id="A254487">
      <detail symbol="ABCAX" price="11.49" value="69717.33" qty="6067.65" />
      <detail symbol="WEINX" price="12.49" value="20855.92" qty="1669.81" />
   <account id="C545251">
      <detail symbol="AKAM" price="11.11" qty="965.38"  value="10725.37"  />
      <detail symbol="SPWX" price="5.20"  qty="492.49"  value="2560.97"   />
      <detail symbol="SUNW" price="13.69" qty="221.37"  value="3030.68"   />
      <detail symbol="AOL"  price="10.92" qty="490.51"  value="5356.43"   />
      <detail symbol="CSCO" price="6.99"  qty="1480.02" value="10345.37"  />
      <detail symbol="YHOO" price="8.56"  qty="1187.62" value="10166.07"  />

Excepted Output
X12345, 13271.6
A256987, 90573.25
A254487, 90573.25
C545251, 42184.89

Please Help .

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