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Re: Numbered references

Hi Adriano,

> It works. But my question is how do I generate the label (number) in
> a cross-reference? In the text, I use
> <figref id="fig:two/>
> which I would like to translate to
>         Fig. 2
> in the output. But I cannot figure how to generate again the number
> from outside the context provided by the element figure. It is
> probably easy, but I just don't see how.

To generate the number with xsl:number, you need to make sure that the
current node is the relevant figure element. That means first finding
the figure element, and then using it to generate the number.

To find the figure element, you need to take the figref's id attribute
and find the figure whose id attribute has the same value. I'd do this
by setting up a key to index the figure elements by their id:

<xsl:key name="figures" match="figure" use="@id" />

And then using the key() function to retrieve the figure with a
particular ID. For example, to get the figure element whose id
attribute has the value 'fig:two', you can use:

  key('figures', 'fig:two')

You can make this figure element the current node using an
xsl:for-each (just as a way of changing context), and putting the
xsl:number instruction within that xsl:for-each:

  <xsl:for-each select="key('figures', 'fig:two')">
    <xsl:number level="any" format="1 " />

Alternatively, you could set up a template that matches figure
elements in 'label' mode and generates the figure label, which you use
in both the main output for the figure and in the output for the
figure reference. For example:

<xsl:template match="figure" mode="label">
  Fig. <xsl:number level="any" format="1 " />

You could then apply templates to the figure element in label mode
when you wanted to get that label while processing the figref element:

  <xsl:apply-templates select="key('figures', 'fig:two')"
                       mode="label" />

A couple of notes:

If the id attribute on the figure element were an ID attribute, you
could use the id() function instead of the key.

If the id attributes hold qualified names (as it looks they might do),
then you should instead index the figure elements by an extended
representation of the qualified name, using the namespace rather than
the prefix (e.g. '{}two' rather than
'fig:two'), and similarly retrieve them using the namespace resolved
to by the prefix used in the figref.

I hope that helps,


Jeni Tennison

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