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Re: [PATCH] (Naive) approach to make schedtimes follow the children of the traced process

On 01/31/2014 02:46 AM, David Juran wrote:
> Hello!
> I had a use case where I wanted to investigate how much time a build
> process (in effect make) was spending waiting to be scheduled. The
> schedtimes exampel was a good match, but since I wanted to check both
> the make process itself but even more important, all the compile
> processes it forked off, I did some rather ugly extension to the
> schedtimes script. 
> The modifications might come in useful for someone else as well but if
> you do consider taking the patch, please do review it. My approach of
> extending the script was rather simple...


It's a reasonable modification, but you might like the target_set.stp
tapset to simplify it.  Call function target_set_pid(some_pid) to find
out if it's part of the target() and its children.


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