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Re: Heed help: Calling sys_getcwd to resolve relative pathnames from within systemtap

On 09/30/2011 03:32 AM, Thiago Manel wrote:
> I'm in the same situation, my workaround was to do:
> 1. get task_struct from task_current()
> 2. then task_struct->fs_struct
> 3. then fs_struct->pwd
> Now, looking sys_getcwd code, it seems that I missed some validations ...

That sounds interesting.  Is that code of yours laying around in some
public git repo?  If not: would you be willing to share it, maybe even
be interested in turning this into a getcwd function for the tapsets
shipped with systemtap?  (Assuming systemtap upstream is willing to
include such file if the license fits.)



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