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Re: Is it possible to use Systemtap without debuginfo?

Hi -

> I was able to run the command "stap -ve 'probe begin { log("hello
> world") exit() }'". This was achieved by installing systemtap-1.4.

OK, good.  See if this also works:

stap -tve '
 probe kernel.function("sys_open") {}
 probe process("stap").function("main") {}
' -c 'stap -V'

> Previously it was failing for systemtap-0.2.2. Please help on this. 

Systemtap 0.2.2 was our very first release, almost six years ago, so
failures with that would not be surprising.  Perhaps you meant 1.2?
Anyway, stick to 1.4 if you can.

- FChE

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