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Re: Build Pass from file name hyphen->underscore

Hi -

On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 11:27:59PM +0530, naresh kamboju wrote:
> [...]
> Reason to prepare this patch.
> I am executing Systemtap on ARM arch, here i would not use 'make
> check'   so i have to build each test case module with -m options with
> cross compilation and it wont allow module name with hypen, because of
> this reason i have to change the test case name from hypend to
> underscore.
> BUILD_FAIL                                    BUILD_PASS
> aux_syscalls-embedded.stp    ->     aux_syscalls_embedded.stp
> [...]

Please let's think of another way to do this.  It seems as though the
chain of issues leading to this underscore problem could have been
snipped earlier.

For example #1, you could teach stap to tolerate "-m FOO-BAR" names
(and map them internally to FOO_BAR).

For example #2, in your hand-made testing script, instead of using -m
FOO for test case FOO.stp, you could use any old synthetic identifier,
such as a serial number, or a "-" to "_" converted form.

For example #3, we outlined two more general cross-compilation testing
approaches in a previous email.  Neither requires hand-built 'stap -m

- FChE

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