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Re: Systemtap on the ARM processor....

Hi Francois,

On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 7:10 PM, Goeusse, Francois <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Systemtap is being tested on TI OMAP platforms (ARM based) for a couple of months.
> If this can help, some resulting quick guidelines have been captured and are shared with the community at the following url:

Thanks for SystemTap Cross compilation wiki page. this wiki page is
giving step by step procedure to  kernel build config options and
systemtap install. it is nice to see ARM related patches too :-)

I'll also look forward to discuss on ARM related stuff in this wiki
page will be used as a one of best interfaces to discuss and upload
data frequently.

> Based on documentation delivered with systemtap and these perfectible guidelines, the tool is now functional and already significantly helps for the ARM platform debug and characterization.
> As you will probably notice, systemtap rel 1.0 required some minor code tuning (kernel and tool) to run on our ARM based platform (OMAP/Android, OMAP/Poky).
> Furthermore, as of today, the test coverage remains incomplete as the testsuite does not seem to fully comply with cross compilation (as mentioned by Naresh as well).
> Because we have not yet migrated to the latest releases of the tool, some of these code updates might no longer be required.
> However, if you believe systemtap ARM users can assist you in a way or another in the product maturation on their platforms, I guess the discussion can surely be opened.
> Regards,
> Francois
> -----------------------------------------
> Francois Goeusse
> Texas Instruments - OMAP Platforms
> -----------------------------------------
> Texas Instruments France SA, 821 Avenue Jack Kilby, 06270 Villeneuve Loubet. 036 420 040 R.C.S Antibes. Capital de EUR 753.920
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf Of Steve Dickson
> Sent: mardi 16 mars 2010 19:17
> To:
> Subject: Systemtap on the ARM processor....
> Hello,
> I was working with some people recently and they were
> looking to get systemtap working on the ARM processor.
> Has a ARM port ever been attempted? If so, by whom?
> If not, any guesstimates on how difficult that would be?
> They are doing their development using Ubuntu and
> some type of open source cross compiler. So they
> want to compile the .ko on one machine and install
> it on another machine as well as run the probe script
> on that target machine...
> Again, does this sound reasonable? Has it been done before??
> steved.

if you any information regarding the SystemTap ARM issues we would
work on and fix.

Best regards
Naresh Kamboju

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