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Re: Systemtap on the ARM processor....

Steve Dickson <> writes:

> Has a ARM port ever been attempted? If so, by whom?
> If not, any guesstimates on how difficult that would be?

Versions of systemtap has run on ARM for quite some time.  I don't
recall whether people have had success running stap on a native
installation, with ARM machines' RAM often being so puny, but in
principle that should work fine.  Another way has been to use stap's
native cross-compilation facilities (installing an arm kernel build
tree, arm cross-compiler toolchain, and using "stap -p4 -a armel-blah"
to build modules).  A stap-server/-client installation be able to make
this somewhat more automatic.

I believe there is no uprobes port for arm, so user-space probing
(process.*) will not be avialable.

- FChE

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