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Warning for buildok/context_test.stp on utrace kernel


There will be warning if we run the following test on
RHEL5, Fedora kernel or utrace kernel.

$ stap -p4 testsuite/buildok/context_test.stp
WARNING: "uprobe_get_pc" [/tmp/staphrGioI/stap_0aef4ead3fec39f2dee30c60b1b684d2_8042.ko] undefined!

There reason is from print_ubacktrace() in probe.

In fact, if we run stap -ve 'probe begin(print_ubacktrace()){}' on
utrace kernel without loaded uprobes module.  We can see the error

Error inserting module '/tmp/stap0t5pyH/stap_5bd1a1d6b83ff84cfa8e7c67a402fa40_1153.ko': Unknown symbol in module

since no symbol uprobe_get_pc can be resolved.

Yes, the test case is a little picky, but maybe we can
process it in a more graceful way.

BTW: there is no manual for print_ubacktrace, ubacktrace(), etc.


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