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Re: CVE-2009-4273 for stap 1.0?

On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 11:47:35AM -0500, Dave Brolley wrote:
> Hi Tony,
> RHEL55 will soon rebase to systemtap 1.1 which contains the fix, so
> there are currently no plans to backport the fix to 1.0.
> If you need to backport to 1.0, I would be happy to help with any
> problems you may encounter. To help get you started, I've attached a
> list of the changes needed to complete the fix.
> Please use the public mailing list (
> for any further questions.

As part of verifying the backport I tried initially to reproduce the problem 
in the un-fixed code based on the "horror cases" mentioned at:

I tried various forms based off of the "stap-client -D 'asdf ; ls /etc' ..."
case but I guess I'm not understanding the side-effects. I assumed the above 
would result in some form of extraneous output at the client side? 

I guess I'd welcome some concrete examples that demonstrate the exploit if
you have a spare couple of minutes. Either on or off-list is fine.


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