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Re: SystemTap Beginners Guide in standard build

Hi Will,

On Mon, 2010-01-04 at 15:49 -0500, William Cohen wrote:
> This is definitely an improvement. Changing stuff in the source wasn't 
> desirable. I am playing around with this on a RHEL5 machine and finding that 
> things don't yet build. Were you able to build the beginner's guide on a RHEL5 
> machine?

There is only a two year old publican (0.33) package in EPEL for RHEL5.
That package doesn't even provide a publican binary, so I couldn't test
the build with that. But if you have a newer package of publican that
did work with the old setup, but fails with the new one, then that is
obviously a bug that needs to be fixed.



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