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syscall/errno tapset checkins

Hi, Kevin -

It's nice to see this code starting to appear in CVS.  Some
suggestions.  For errno.stp, you don't need to use relatively
inefficient embedded C like that.  Consider instead an all-script

global _errno_table
probe begin {
  _errno_table[1] = "EFOOBAR"
  _errno_table[4] = "EBARBAZ"
  // and so on
function strerror (e) { return _errno_table[e] }

Then any reference to the script function "strerror" will drag in the
initialization code as a side-effect.

Another suggestion.  It would be nice to add a ChangeLog entry for
nontrivial commits such as these.  It would be nice to add
stapfuncs(5) or stapprobes(5) documentation lines for the contents as
they settle down.

- FChE

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