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Re: Output Redesign in SystemTap Runtime

Hi -

> > More generally, backtrace data can instead be saved in ordinary
> > systemtap variables [...]
> > By that time, the exact origins ("this came from
> > a stack") would be lost, in the absence of heroic measures.
> Not really.  "<stack> 0xf0001234 ...  </stack>" gets saved as a string
> [...]

OK, that's the sort of "heroic measure" I was talking about.  So now
we have a string that has some self-descriptive content markup.  If
this value is then printed with whatever basic tracing function, do
you anticpate nesting this stuff?  i.e.,


Or do you want to obligate a person to call a stack-only printing
function on such saved strings?  Then why bother with the stored

This is why I say you need to think about this not just from the point
of view of a stack-printing function, but from the end-to-end view of
data being queried, stored, printed, and perhaps ultimately decoded.

- FChE

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