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SMP board : Bug in SID or configuration file ?

I tried to set a simple configuration file for a two-processor SMP board (see below).
I use two loaders and two gloss (angel) instances, one per CPU.
I use a remapper (MMU?) so the addresses generated by the second processor will not conflict with the addresses generated by the first (I'm using a single memory bank, divided by the two CPUs).

The loading of the two "hello.arm" programs into my (single) 16MB memory is successful.
When I enable only one of the CPUs to run (connect-pin target-sched 0-event -> cpu1 step! or connect-pin target-sched 1-event -> cpu2 step!) , the enabled CPU successfully executes the program.

But, when I enable the two CPUs (connect-pin target-sched 0-event -> cpu1 & connect-pin target-sched 1-event -> cpu2) I get a segmentation fault.

I would appreciate if you can answer the following questions:
1. What is wrong with my configuration file that is causing this core-dump ?

2. I want to see how each CPU affects the performance of the other (e.g., contention on bus and memory that causes delays and stalls). How can I monitor these parameters?

3. Although its an SMP board, in my configuration I'm not really running an SMP OS, since the two gloss (angel) instances are independent of each other, each using a different part of the memory. How can I get two processes to run in a thread-like manner, sharing the memory, doing locks etc. What is the programing model (pthreads ?), how do I write such a program for SID and how do I start it ?

Thanks for you time :) !!!
Here is my conf file.
load audio_component_library
load cache_component_library
load cgen_component_library
load console_component_library
load gdb_component_library
load gloss_component_library
load glue_component_library
load hd44780u_component_library
load ide_component_library
load interrupt_component_library
load loader_component_library
load mapper_component_library
load mem_component_library
load mmu_component_library
load parport_component_library
load prof_component_library
load rtc_component_library
load sched_component_library
load timer_component_library
load uart_component_library
load x86_component_library
load mmu_component_library

# first section
new hw-cpu-arm7t cpu1
new hw-cpu-arm7t cpu2
new hw-mapper-basic cpu-mapper
new hw-glue-sequence-8 init-sequence
new hw-glue-sequence-1 hw-reset-net
new hw-glue-sequence-8 deinit-sequence
new hw-glue-sequence-8 yield-net
new hw-glue-sequence-2 cache-flush-net
new sid-sched-host-accurate host-sched
new sid-sched-sim target-sched
# core tracing
new hw-glue-probe-bus bus-probe
# gloss
new sw-gloss-arm/angel gloss1
new sw-gloss-arm/angel gloss2

# gloss <-> stdio
new sid-io-stdio stdio
# cpu loader
new sw-load-elf cpu-loader1
new sw-load-elf cpu-loader2

# memory region 1 (0x00000000,0x01000000)
new hw-memory-ram/rom-basic mem1

new hw-remap/pause-arm/ref remapper

# second section
# settings
set remapper num-relocations 1
set remapper 0-start 0
set remapper 0-end 8388607
set remapper 0-reloc-to 0x800000

set host-sched num-clients 10 # large enough? set target-sched num-clients 10 # large enough? # pin connections connect-pin main perform-activity -> host-sched advance connect-pin main perform-activity -> target-sched advance connect-pin main starting -> init-sequence input connect-pin main stopping -> deinit-sequence input connect-pin init-sequence output-0 -> hw-reset-net input connect-pin hw-reset-net output-0 -> cpu1 reset! connect-pin hw-reset-net output-0 -> cpu2 reset!

connect-pin target-sched 0-event -> cpu1 step!
Uncomment the next line and get a core-dump
#connect-pin target-sched 1-event -> cpu2 step!

connect-pin target-sched 0-control <- cpu1 step-cycles
connect-pin target-sched time-query <- cpu1 time-query
connect-pin target-sched time-high -> cpu1 time-high
connect-pin target-sched time-low -> cpu1 time-low

connect-pin target-sched 1-control <- cpu2 step-cycles
connect-pin target-sched time-query <- cpu2 time-query
connect-pin target-sched time-high -> cpu2 time-high
connect-pin target-sched time-low -> cpu2 time-low

connect-pin yield-net output-0 -> cpu1 yield connect-pin yield-net output-0 -> cpu2 yield connect-pin yield-net output-0 -> host-sched yield

connect-bus cpu1 insn-memory bus-probe upstream
connect-bus cpu1 data-memory bus-probe upstream

connect-bus cpu2 insn-memory remapper access-port
connect-bus cpu2 data-memory remapper access-port
connect-bus remapper all bus-probe upstream

# core tracing
connect-bus bus-probe downstream cpu-mapper access-port

# gloss
relate gloss1 cpu cpu1
relate gloss2 cpu cpu2

connect-pin init-sequence output-3 -> gloss1 reset
connect-pin init-sequence output-4 -> gloss2 reset

connect-pin cpu1 trap <-> gloss1 trap
connect-pin cpu1 trap-code -> gloss1 trap-code

connect-pin cpu2 trap <-> gloss2 trap
connect-pin cpu2 trap-code -> gloss2 trap-code

connect-bus gloss1 target-memory bus-probe upstream
connect-bus gloss2 target-memory remapper access-port

# gloss <-> stdio
set host-sched 0-regular? 1
set host-sched 0-time 150 # apprx. human perception limit

connect-pin host-sched 0-event -> stdio poll connect-pin gloss1 debug-tx -> stdio stdout connect-pin gloss1 debug-rx <- stdio stdin

connect-pin gloss2 debug-tx -> stdio stdout
connect-pin gloss2 debug-rx <- stdio stdin

# gloss w/o gdb
connect-pin gloss1 process-signal -> main stop!
connect-pin gloss1 process-signal -> yield-net input

connect-pin gloss2 process-signal -> main stop!
connect-pin gloss2 process-signal -> yield-net input

set cpu1 engine-type pbb
set cpu2 engine-type pbb

# cpu loader
set cpu-loader1 file "hello.arm"
set cpu-loader2 file "hello.arm"

connect-bus cpu-loader1 load-accessor-data bus-probe upstream
connect-bus cpu-loader1 load-accessor-insn bus-probe upstream
connect-bus cpu-loader2 load-accessor-data remapper access-port
connect-bus cpu-loader2 load-accessor-insn remapper access-port

connect-pin init-sequence output-5 -> cpu-loader1 load!
connect-pin init-sequence output-6 -> cpu-loader2 load!

connect-pin cpu-loader1 start-pc-set -> cpu1 start-pc-set!
connect-pin cpu-loader1 endian-set -> cpu1 endian-set!
connect-pin cpu-loader1 error -> main stop!

connect-pin cpu-loader2 start-pc-set -> cpu2 start-pc-set!
connect-pin cpu-loader2 endian-set -> cpu2 endian-set!
connect-pin cpu-loader2 error -> main stop!

# memory region 1 (0x00000000,0x01000000) configuration
set mem1 size 0x1000000 #16MB

#Trace all set bus-probe trace? 1

connect-bus cpu-mapper mem1:[0,16777215] mem1 read-write-port

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