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Re: Bug in Newlib's snprintf implementation

----- Am 23. Feb 2018 um 4:00 schrieb Dominik Maier

> Hello,
> I've already reported this over at MinGW but since I could also
> reproduce the Bug in Cygwin and understand both use Newlib, I figured
> I'd post this here, too.
> The snprintf implementation is not compliant. This can lead to bugs and
> memory corruptions.
> A simple PoC is the following
>    char buf[4];
>    snprintf(buf, 4,"te%s", "st");
>    printf("%s", buf);
> It should print "tes" (0-terminated) but instad prints "test" and
> appends random memory (tested in cygwin and mingw).

I cannot reproduce this issue on RTEMS. Her buf is "tes\0" and the return value is 4.

> Then len field in this case is 4, which is correct (apart from the
> missing zero termination), however it will return an error (-1) for any
> larger input.

It should return the actual size of the produced string and not -1.

> The original MinGW bug report is here:
> Best
> Dominik

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