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Re: [PATCH, newlib] Allow locking routine to be retargeted

On Fri, 2017-01-20 at 13:37 +0000, Thomas Preudhomme wrote:
> Have you had time to work on the last version of the patch?

OK, I finally got down to it.

The toolchain builds, but this is obvious.

Some of the locks are not always needed:

1. dd_hash_lock from posix/telldir.c is defined only if HAVE_DD_LOCK is
defined. It seems that only linux and phoenix define that macro, but it
would be OK to have this lock conditional.

2. __sfp_lock and __sinit_lock from stdio/findfp.c, __tz_lock_object
from time/tzlock.c, __malloc_lock_object from stdlib/mlock.c and
__env_lock_object from stdlib/envlock.c are defined only when
__SINGLE_THREAD__ is _NOT_ defined. However __atexit_lock in
stdlib/__call_atexit.c is defined in case of __SINGLE_THREAD__
configuration, but it is not used, as all uses are conditional anyway.
On the other hand dd_hash_lock and atexit_mutex are not protected with
that macro. Maybe all locks should be conditional on this macro? I have
no idea where does this macro come from, as grepping for it in newlib,
gcc or binutils gives no definition... Maybe this is some obsolete
macro which can be just removed?


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