2014-09-11 Freddie Chopin * libc\time\month_lengths.c: New file with __month_lengths array (previously mon_lengths array in mktm_r.c) * libc\time\tzcalc_limits.c: New file with __tzcalc_limits() from mktm_r.c * libc\time\lcltime_r.c (localtime_r): Simplify by changing call to _mktm_r() with call to gmtime_r() and code moved from _mktm_r() which was used to do time zone adjustments * libc\time\gmtime_r.c (gmtime_r): Simplify by moving all relevant code from _mktm_r(), breaking all dependencies on time zone related functions * libc\time\mktm_r.c: Delete file * libc\time\local.h: Update accordingly - remove declaration of _mktm_r(), add declaration of __month_lengths[] * libc\time\Makefile.am: Modify accordingly. * libc\time\Makefile.in: Regenerate.