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Re: inaccuracy in cos()

It is time to scrap the mathfp functions altogether. The historical intention at the time Ranjith created them was to try and create a faster/leaner math library if a processor had good intrinsic floating-point operations. However, some of the lean algorithms chosen are doomed to inaccuracy (e.g. in this particular case, sin/cos use a Taylor's series). I can imagine there are a whole lot more inaccuracy errors yet undiscovered and IMO, it is not worth band-aiding so it is time to simply retire it.

I'll look into adding other x86 fastmath routines when I get time.

-- Jeff J.

Martin Koeppe wrote:


just found some inaccuracy in mathfp/cos(): cos(0.0) returns 0.999999999994129362690387097246 instead of 1.0. For 64-bit double precision (53 bit mantissa, 18 decimal digits) this could be considered as wrong.

Also I missed the fast assembler versions in machine/i386 of at least sin(), cos(), and sqrt(). Assembler instructions exist for these since at least i387 AFAIK.


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