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Re: i386 OSX

On Feb 19, Andrew Pinski wrote:
> > 
> > Is there any work on making libffi work on i386?  For our project
> > we took two files from PyObjC, and added some patches to fix a few
> > things.  Can it be added to cvs?
> If you send them to and/or
> they can most likely will be added.  Also
> do you already have a copy right assignment on file for GCC (since
> libffi has been trying to be transfered to the FSF, we don't want to
> over complaint the current situation.).

I don't, and it wouldn't help if I do -- the code is made of two
additional files from the PyObjC project, patches that someone else
from our project did, and some hacks to make configure work.  It's
really best if someone who knows things better assemble this thing and
merges it in after making sure it all makes sense.  (And that's
something I can help with.)

          ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x)))          Eli Barzilay:
                         Maze is Life!

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