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Re: glibc port to QNX

On Thu, 29 Dec 2011, Omkar Panse wrote:

> Is there glibc port to QNX Neutrino available? Is it possible to port 
> glibc to this OS?

The only functional ports in-tree are for the Linux kernel and for GNU 
Hurd.  There exists an out-of-tree port to the FreeBSD kernel 
(kFreeBSD-GNU); I think such attempts have been made for the NetBSD and 
OpenSolaris kernels as well.  I'm not aware of any port to the QNX kernel.

My view of what types of systems should be considered supported or 
potentially supported by glibc is as follows:

* 32-bit and 64-bit architectures with MMU.

* A range of free software kernels, including Linux and the 
microkernel-based Hurd.  Support for non-free kernels is not completely 
ruled out, but is not a focus.

* All supported targets use the ELF object format and have ABIs supporting 
thread-local storage (TLS).

I don't know to what extent QNX matches those conditions.  Attempting to 
support any system that doesn't meet those requirements (MMU-based ELF ABI 
with TLS support in particular) is likely to be sufficiently disruptive 
that the benefits of any wider system support would be outweighed by the 
costs of maintaining associated conditionals - but of course someone could 
produce a patch demonstrating a sufficiently clean way to maintain such 

Joseph S. Myers

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