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Re: GLIBC PowerPC CPU tuned addon V0.1

2006/4/19, Steven Munroe <>:
> The GLIBC PowerPC CPU tunes addon is available for download from
> @
> This add-on is intended to provide alternative (cpu tuned)
> implementations to existing glibc functions. At this stage, powerpc-cpu
> is the first to use the --with-cpu mechanism, which is new to glibc and
> needs some testing mileage. The intent is that powerpc-cpu will
> eventually be merged back into the glibc-cvs tree (perhaps under ports),
> but for now I will maintain the tar file.
> The --with-cpu is not powerpc specific and can be applied to any
> platform where gcc supports the --mcpu= option. Any one who is
> interested can use powerpc-cpu as an example to create their own cpu
> specific add-ons for their platform.

Nice!  I have here some bits for 405 and 440 cores, and I would like
to send them, but it does not make sense since powerpc/nofpu port is

Probably I have to wait until it's fixed.

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