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Re: Building 2.27 on CentOS

On 06/01/2018 12:45 PM, Andreas Hubert wrote:
To have a really clean environment for testing, I just tried it with a docker container based on centos/devtoolset-7-toolchain-centos7 and just added bison and make. So that’s my docker file:

FROM centos/devtoolset-7-toolchain-centos7

RUN yum install -y --setopt=tsflags=nodocs bison devtoolset-7-make && yum clean all -y
USER 1001

 From there I was just running `configure —prefix=/my/new/dir` and then make
Still facing the same error:

make[3]: Leaving directory '/builddir/rpmbuild/SOURCES/glibc-2.27/elf'

This looks like you are running under rpmbuild. Please post the spec file, or upload it somewhere where we can see it.

You also have a funny character in the configure command line, but I assume that's just your email client.

All I can say so far that the glibc-2.27 tag generally builds fine with DTS 7.


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