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Re: Asking for Help on Seeking to End of File

Linlin Yan (éææ) wrote:
 mount parameters:
which was inherited from other servers maintained by another ex-technician.

"allocsize" was set to about 256M in order to make it
cache as much as possible to improve the I/O speed. I enlarged "allosize" because [of] larger memory...
   Forgive my intrusion, again, but I wasn't sure if you understood
"allocsize" parameter.

   allocsize controls the *size* of space *alloc*ated on disk for a file.
When you create a file, or when the previous free region is full, xfs
will try to find a contiguous region on disk of allocsize.
   Note: allocsize and the raid params (su/sw, etc), are
*ignored* if "largeio" is not turned on.
   Largeio tells xfs you want to be able to do large reads
and/or large writes in 1 operation if possible. The allocsize
raid params allow you specify the size and alignment of those
reads/writes, but without largeio, they are ignored.  They only
affect how space is allocated, neither affects caching.
The only mount params that affect cache are
the logbufs and logbsize which only affect the xfs's meta-data
log not the actual file-data.
By default, linux will use all free memory for file buffering (and release
it if a program needs it, automatically).
There are various "tweaks" in the /proc/sys/fs/xfs dir for xfs and how
often it writes some things to disk, and for all file systems
in /proc/sys/vm which are documented in the kernel subdirectory:
Documentation/filesystems, in files xfs[more than 1].txt and proc.txt.

Biggest things affecting i/o performance are the size of the
reads/writes.  It depends on the disk configuration, but on a RAID
system, 256MB to *read* or *write* in 1 call is more than enough.
Most would be fine with 16MB.

However, in your case, your files use "odd" size values -- not a multiple
of any power of 2.  That suggests your application may be writing small
unaligned bits of data (unaligned = NOT multiple of the system allocation size,
4K by default w/xfs).  Doing odd size IO's will significantly slow
down file-io.  Even doing *small* file-io's (<128K) on most disks will
cause problems.
For comparison (I used dd w/"direct" to avoid the buffer and measure
time to do I/O on disk).
Here are writes for writing 1GB, 1M at a time, vs. 4K at a time:

1MB R+W:
read: 2.08161 s, 516 MB/s,    write: 1.5624 s, 687 MB/s

4K R+W:
read:  37.2781 s, 28.8 MB/s,  write: 43.0325 s, 25.0 MB/s

Using small, but *even* (power of 2-4K) size I/O's is 20-30 times

Using 1k IO is about 4 times slower.

If they were odd, dunno... but likely 10x slower than the 4K case or
greater than 200X slower than the 1MB case.

You should look how the application does I/O if that's causing
a slowdown, changing kernel or file system parms are not likely to do
much good in such a case.

Hope this helps!

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