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Re: Consensus on high-level objective of cleanup, refactor or rework patches.

On Fri, 14 Feb 2020, Carlos O'Donell wrote:

> To that end I propose we approve via consensus the concept of a set of
> changes and allow the maintainer to commit across the entire code base
> to implement the concept without having to go through a second round
> of review. The initial review of the concept is approval enough.

I think it's very rare that this would be appropriate.  Consensus on a 
high-level concept is very different from consensus on the particular 
details of changes - furthermore, various aspects of the details of the 
changes will only emerge as they are implemented, and it's quite possible 
that something seems attractive at the high-level design level but the 
details of the changes result in the whole idea seeming less attractive to 
the community or the design needing to be revisited.

Only in some of the most purely mechanical cases (e.g. removal of 
conditional code after we next increase the minimum supported Linux kernel 
version) might the concept make the underlying changes clear enough.  In 
most cases, such a change runs into several special cases that need 
individual attention and review, even if the bulk of the patches are 

Joseph S. Myers

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